SKN NEDM Project

End-of-Project Evaluation Survey
Evaluation of the "Capacity Building for Climate Resilience in Disaster Risk Management" Project.

Which aspect of the project do you feel had the most impact on strengthening disaster management in St. Kitts and Nevis?

Which aspect of the project do you feel had the most impact on strengthening disaster management in St. Kitts and Nevis?

Please rank the following project components based on their relevance and effectiveness in achieving project objectives.

Please rank the following project components based on their relevance and effectiveness in achieving project objectives.

(Drag and rank from most to least effective.)

Min 0 / Max 10
Stakeholder collaboration and workshops.
Technical recommendations (e.g., EWS framework).
Legislative updates and policy recommendations.
Public awareness and community engagement initiatives.
Training and capacity-building sessions.

Imagine a similar project is conducted in the future. Based on your experience, what one thing would you recommend doing differently?

Imagine a similar project is conducted in the future. Based on your experience, what one thing would you recommend doing differently?

Which additional resources or support would help ensure the successful implementation of project recommendations?

Which additional resources or support would help ensure the successful implementation of project recommendations?

(Select all that apply.)

How would you rate your overall satisfaction with the project?

How would you rate your overall satisfaction with the project?

(1 star = Very Dissatisfied, 5 stars = Very Satisfied)

SKN NEDM Project