What do you consider the primary role of the government in disaster management? What do you consider the primary role of the government in disaster management?Coordinating disaster response and recovery effortsEstablishing and enforcing disaster management policiesAllocating resources and funding for preparedness and responseEngaging and educating the public on disaster preparedness Other:Do you clearly understand the role of the Office of Disaster Management in coordinating disaster response activities? Do you clearly understand the role of the Office of Disaster Management in coordinating disaster response activities?Yes, I have a clear understandingI have some understanding, but need more clarityNo, I am not sure of the role of ODMOther:Do you think current disaster management policies are well-aligned across different governmental sectors? Do you think current disaster management policies are well-aligned across different governmental sectors?Yes, fully alignedPartially alignedNot well alignedNot aligned at allHow would you rate the coordination between different governmental agencies during an emergency? How would you rate the coordination between different governmental agencies during an emergency?ExcellentGoodFairPoorWhat suggestions do you have to improve inter-agency coordination during disasters? What suggestions do you have to improve inter-agency coordination during disasters?