First Responders and Health Care role for EWSHow well do you feel current protocols support your ability to respond quickly and effectively to a disaster event?* How well do you feel current protocols support your ability to respond quickly and effectively to a disaster event?*A) Very well; protocols are clear and actionableB) Well, but some protocols could be improvedC) Somewhat; protocols are unclear or difficult to followD) Poorly; protocols need significant improvementWhat specific area of disaster response do you find most challenging when managing patient care or emergency response in crisis situations?* What specific area of disaster response do you find most challenging when managing patient care or emergency response in crisis situations?*A) Triage and prioritization of patientsB) Coordination with other emergency services and departmentsC) Resource limitations (e.g., staff, medical supplies)D) Real-time communication and information sharingHow prepared do you feel to address the mental health impacts of disaster response on both responders and affected populations?* How prepared do you feel to address the mental health impacts of disaster response on both responders and affected populations?*A) Very prepared; mental health support is readily availableB) Somewhat prepared; some resources are available but could be improvedC) Limited preparation; mental health support is lackingD) Not prepared; mental health resources are not accessibleWhat additional training or resources would most enhance your team’s ability to provide effective health care and emergency response during disasters?* What additional training or resources would most enhance your team’s ability to provide effective health care and emergency response during disasters?*A) Advanced medical and triage training for high-stress scenariosB) Regular joint exercises with other emergency response agenciesC) Access to better protective equipment and technologyD) Improved disaster response protocols and clear communication guidelines RESEMBID